Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Village Board of Trustees Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/6/2025 6:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Village Hall Board Room
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
250092 1A.Approval of Accounts PayablePayroll/Accounts PayableApproval of Accounts Payable For the period ending February 21, 2025 in the amount of $1,938,076.67.   Not available Not available
250098 1B.Approval of Village PayrollPayroll/Accounts PayableApproval of Village Payroll For the period ending February 22. 2025 in the amount of $1,037,422.15.   Not available Not available
250099 1C.Approval of Accounts PayablePayroll/Accounts PayableApproval of Accounts Payable For the period ending February 28, 2025 in the amount of $760,648.77.   Not available Not available
250090 1D.An Ordinance Amending Title IX, Chapter 92, Section 92.17 of the Lombard Village Code in regard to Waste Collection and DisposalOrdinanceAn Ordinance Amending Title IX, Chapter 92, Section 92.17 of the Lombard Village Code in regard to Waste Collection and Disposal Approving an Ordinance updating the Village Code to reflect the solid waste and recycling collection and disposal rates that become effective on April 2, 2025. (DISTRICTS - ALL)   Not available Not available
250091 1E. OrdinanceAdoption of Official Zoning Map - 2025 An ordinance approving a Village of Lombard Zoning Map pursuant to State Statutes. This maps does not change the zoning of any properties within the Village's Corporate limits, and is only a graphic depiction of past Zoning actions by the Village Board. (DISTRICTS - ALL)   Not available Not available
250041 2F. OrdinancePC 25-02: Text Amendment - Electric Vehicle (EV) Parking & Director Responsibilitie's The Plan Commission submits its recommendation to approve, the Village of Lombard, requested text amendments to the following Sections of Village Code: 1. Create a new Section 155.228: Electric Vehicle Parking to establish regulations on requirements such as location and design 2. Amend Section 155.802 to add definitions related to electric vehicle parking 3. Amend Village Code 155 to remove “Director of Community Development” and replace with “Director of Economic Development and Planning” and/or “Director of Building” as applicable 4. Any other relevant sections for clarity and consistency. (DISTRICT ALL)   Not available Not available
250082 2G. OrdinancePC 25-04: 505 W. Roosevelt Road - Drive-through restaurant The Plan Commission submits its recommendation to approve the following action on the subject property located within the B4A Roosevelt Road Corridor District: 1. A conditional use pursuant to Section 155.103(F) of the Zoning Ordinance in order to allow a drive through accessory to a restaurant (see Section 155.417(G)(2)(b)(iv)); 2. A conditional use pursuant to Section 155.103(F) of the Zoning Ordinance in order to recognize existing off-site parking throughout the shopping center (R1972-041405) and allow the use of parking spaces situated at 505 West Roosevelt Road to support use at 1210 Finley Road and 515 W. Roosevelt Road in conformance with Section 155.602(A)(3)(b) while also allowing shopping center cross-parking as covenanted in 1972 (see Section 155.417(G)(2)(c)(ii)); 3. Variations pursuant to Section 155.103(C) of the Zoning Ordinance to allow the continuation of conditions existing since 1977, and later with the expansion of rights of way, to remain: a. From Section 155.417(G)(3), and 155.417(G)(5)(c) which impo   Not available Not available
250083 2H. OrdinancePC 25-05: 1210 S. Finley Road - Smoking Establishment The Plan Commission submits its recommendation to approve the following action on the subject property located within the B4A Roosevelt Road Corridor District: 1. A conditional use pursuant to Section 155.103(F) of the Zoning Ordinance in order to allow a smoking establishment that complies with the Illinois Smoke Free Act (see Section 155.417(G)(2)(b)(xi)); 2. A conditional use pursuant to Section 155.103(F) of the Zoning Ordinance in order to recognize existing off-site parking throughout the shopping center (R1972-041405) the use by 1210 Finley Road of off-site parking spaces situated at 505 and 515 West Roosevelt Road in conformance with Section 155.602(A)(3)(b) (see Section 155.417(G)(2)(c)(ii)); 3. A conditional use pursuant to Section 155.103(F) of the Zoning Ordinance in order to allow outdoor services, subject to Section 155.210(C)(2)(b) (see Sections 155.417(G)(2)(a)(vi) and 155.417(G)(10)(b)), provided that no seating area for a smoking establishment shall be placed within thirty (30) feet from the west lot line; 4.    Not available Not available
250085 1I.Ordinance AmendingTitle III, Chapter 30, Article I, Section 30.05 of the Lombard Village Code in Regard to Board of Trustees Regular Meeting AgendasOrdinanceOrdinance AmendingTitle III, Chapter 30, Article I, Section 30.05 of the Lombard Village Code in Regard to Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Agendas An ordinance amending Village Code proving for a manner by which elected officials may place items onto a Village Board agenda.   Not available Not available
250036 3J. Resolution16 S. Park Avenue; Punky’s Pub Old Style Sign - Request for Historical Sign Designation Finding of Fact from the February 11, 2025 Public Hearing meeting, that the sign at 16 S. Park Avenue meets the criteria for designation as a historical sign. (DISTRICT #1)   Not available Not available
250094 1K.Lombard Meadows - Phase IV, Resident Engineering ServicesResolutionLombard Meadows - Phase IV, Resident Engineering Services Approving a contract with Thomas Engineering Group of Oak Brook, Illinois an amount not to exceed $409,573.84 for Resident Engineering Services. This selection was made from the current Resident Engineering Short List, which consists of five (5) firms. (DISTRICT #6)   Not available Not available
250093 1L.Gasoline and Diesel Fuel PurchaseBidGasoline and Diesel Fuel Purchase Request for a waiver of bids and award of a contract to Al Warren Oil Company, Inc. of Hammond, Indiana. The price for gasoline is the low rack average daily OPIS price plus (0.045) per gallon for delivery. The price for diesel is the low rack average daily OPIS price plus (0.045) per gallon for delivery. This purchase will be made through a joint fuel purchase (DuPage County Bid #23-011-FM). The terms of the contract allows local municipalities to extend the contract for two additional one-year periods. This contract extension would be the second of three extensions possible under the current contract terms.   Not available Not available
250096 1M.Lombard Meadows - Phase IV ProjectBidLombard Meadows - Phase IV Project Award of a contract to John Neri Construction, Inc. of Addison, Illinois, the lowest responsible bidder of three (3) bids received, in the amount of $3,598,123.35. The Lombard Meadows - Phase IV project area involves the reconstruction of Hawthorne Circle and Cherry Lane, South of Magnolia Circle to East Wilson Avenue. (DISTRICT #6)   Not available Not available
250019 2N. RequestLocal Tourism Grant Application 2025 - Lombard Cycling Classic Recommendation from the Community Promotion & Tourism Committee to approve a grant request from the Prairie State Cycling Series, LLC in the amount of $10,000 plus Village services from Hotel/Motel funds for expenses related to the fees associated with the event. The event is scheduled to take place on July 22, 2025. (DISTRICT #1)   Not available Not available
250020 2O. RequestLocal Tourism Grant Application 2025 - Food Truck Social Recommendation from the Community Promotion & Tourism Committee to approve a grant request from the Lombard Historical Society in the amount of $4,075 from Hotel/Motel funds to cover the costs of entertainment for the Food Truck Social on Maple Street. The event is scheduled to take place on September 6, 2025.   Not available Not available
250021 2P. RequestLocal Tourism Grant Application 2025 - Spooktacular Recommendation from the Community Promotion & Tourism Committee to approve a grant request from the Lombard Area Chamber of Commerce in the amount of $10,000 inclusive of Village Services from Hotel/Motel funds to cover the costs of Waste Management, Village Services, and non-funded activities. The event will take place on October 19, 2025.   Not available Not available
250022 2Q. RequestLocal Tourism Grant Application 2025 - Candy Cane Lane Holiday Market Recommendation from the Community Promotion & Tourism Committee to approve a grant request from the Lombard Area Chamber of Commerce in the amount of $2,000 plus Village Services from Hotel/Motel funds to cover the cost of blocking off South Park Avenue between St. Charles Road and Michael McGuire Drive and the costs of patio heaters and street decorations. The event will take place on December 6, 2025. (DISTRICT #1)   Not available Not available
250057 1R. RequestIllinois Municipal League Membership Request for approval of the Village Board for Village participation in the Illinois Municipal League for FY 2025 in the amount of $2,500.00.   Not available Not available
250076 2S. RequestHistoric Preservation Commission - 2024 Annual Report Request from the Lombard Historic Preservation Commission that the Village Board acknowledge receipt of the LHPC 2024 Annual Report.   Not available Not available
250088 2T. RequestRecommendation of Proposed Three (3) Year Waterfall Suspension to the Pension and Economic Development Fund Reserves Recommendation from the Finance & Administration Committee to suspend the Waterfall to the Pension & Economic Development Fund Reserves for three years (2024-2026) to prioritize funding of the Building Reserve Fund for construction of a new Public Safety Building.   Not available Not available
250100 1U.Agreement with Lombard Firefighters' Union , Local 3009 of International Association of Firefighters, AFL-CIO, CLCRequestAgreement with Lombard Firefighters' Union , Local 3009 of International Association of Firefighters, AFL-CIO, CLC Approving an Agreement between the Village of Lombard and the Lombard Firefighters' Union Local 3009 of International Association of Firefighters, AFL-CIO, CLC which will run from January 1, 2026 through December 31, 2028.   Not available Not available
250089 1A. OrdinanceRecommendation of Proposed $1 Million Transfer from the Hotel/Motel Tax Fund to the Building Fund and An Ordinance Amending the Village's Fiscal Year 2025 Budget to Account for the $1 Million Transfer of Funds. Waiver of first reading is requested. (2/3 vote of Corporate Authorities required, 5 of 7) Recommendation from the Finance & Administration Committee to transfer $1 million from the Hotel/Motel Tax Fund to the Building Fund for construction of a new Public Safety Building.   Not available Not available
250018 2B. RequestLocal Tourism Grant Application 2025 - Lombard Brew Fest Review of a Local Tourism Grant application from the Lombard Junior Women's Club and Community Promotion and Tourism Committee recommendation in regards to the 2025 Lombard Brew Fest. The event will take place on July 19, 2025.   Not available Not available