File #: 250064    Version: 1 Name: Request to Waive Bids and Approve the Purchase of Seven (7) Zoll X-Series Cardiac Monitors in the Fire Department's Fleet and Approve An Ordinance Declaring Seven (7) old Zoll X-Series Cardiac Monitors Surplus
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 1/27/2025 In control: Village Board of Trustees
On agenda: Final action: 2/6/2025
Title: Request to Waive Bids and Approve the Purchase of Seven (7) Zoll X-Series Cardiac Monitors in the Fire Department's Fleet and Approve An Ordinance Declaring Seven (7) old Zoll X-Series Cardiac Monitors Surplus Request to waive bids and approve the purchase of seven (7) New Zoll X-Series Cardiac Monitors with a five (5) year warranty for each monitor in an amount of $284,068.94 and approval of an Ordinance declaring seven (7) old Zoll X-Series Cardiac Monitors as surplus and authorizing their trade-in in the amount of $7,500.
Attachments: 1. Zoll Cardiac Monitor Surplus Ordinance, 2. Zoll Cardiac Monitor Memo, 3. Zoll Cardiac Monitor Quote, 4. BOT_1-28-25_Leg#250064_Seven Zoll Cardiac Monitors.pdf, 5. Ordinance 8329 Authorizing the Sale and or Disposal of Municipal Owned Property


Request to Waive Bids and Approve the Purchase of Seven (7) Zoll X-Series Cardiac Monitors in the Fire Department's Fleet and Approve An Ordinance Declaring Seven (7) old Zoll X-Series Cardiac Monitors Surplus

Request to waive bids and approve the purchase of seven (7) New Zoll X-Series Cardiac Monitors with a five (5) year warranty for each monitor in an amount of $284,068.94 and approval of an Ordinance declaring seven (7) old Zoll X-Series Cardiac Monitors as surplus and authorizing their trade-in in the amount of $7,500. 


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