File #: 250041    Version: Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Consent Agenda-Second Reading
File created: 1/14/2025 In control: Village Board of Trustees
On agenda: Final action:
Title: PC 25-02: Text Amendment - Electric Vehicle (EV) Parking & Director Responsibilitie's The Plan Commission submits its recommendation to approve, the Village of Lombard, requested text amendments to the following Sections of Village Code: 1. Create a new Section 155.228: Electric Vehicle Parking to establish regulations on requirements such as location and design 2. Amend Section 155.802 to add definitions related to electric vehicle parking 3. Amend Village Code 155 to remove “Director of Community Development” and replace with “Director of Economic Development and Planning” and/or “Director of Building” as applicable 4. Any other relevant sections for clarity and consistency. (DISTRICT ALL)
Attachments: 1. 250041_PC 25-02 Text Amendemnt - Zoning Ordinance EV Charging - Position Titles, 2. BOARD MTG 03-06-25 250041 PC 25-02 Text Amendment - Electric Vehicle Parking Charging and Director Responsibilities


PC 25-02: Text Amendment - Electric Vehicle (EV) Parking & Director Responsibilitie's

The Plan Commission submits its recommendation to approve, the Village of Lombard, requested text amendments to the following Sections of Village Code:


1.                     Create a new Section 155.228: Electric Vehicle Parking to establish regulations on requirements such as location and design

2.                     Amend Section 155.802 to add definitions related to electric vehicle parking

3.                     Amend Village Code 155 to remove “Director of Community Development” and replace with “Director of Economic Development and Planning” and/or “Director of Building” as applicable

4.                     Any other relevant sections for clarity and consistency. (DISTRICT ALL)



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